Interpeace has been privileged to work with exceptional representatives from the government, international and business sectors. Our Former Board Members helped shape the organization and played a key role in defining our strategy.
Agnes Abuom
Moderator of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) since 2013. Director of the organization TAABCO Research and Development Consultants; former Africa president for the WCC (1999-2006).
Martin Aked
United Kingdom
Former Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers and former International Treasurer of Médecins Sans Frontières
Paddy Ashdown
United Kingdom
Member of the House of Lords; former member of Parliament and leader of the Liberal Democrats; former High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zainab Bangura
Sierra Leone
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Government of Sierra Leone; former official of the United Nations Mission in Liberia
Hind Bint Hamad Al-Thani
Vice Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation; Director of the Office of the Emir of Qatar, His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani
Nathalie Delapalme
Executive Director of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation; former Inspecteur General des Finances at the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France.
Judy Cheng-Hopkins
Assistant Secretary-General for UN Peacebuilding Support; former UN Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees
Alan Doss
United Kingdom
Former President of the Kofi Annan Foundation; Visiting Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN in the DRC
Georgina Dufoix
Former Minister of Health and Social Services of France; Former President of the French Red Cross
Oscar Fernandez-Taranco
Assistant Secretary-General for the UN Peacebuilding Support Office
Simon Geissbühler
Head of the Human Security Division of the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs; former Deputy Head of Mission of Switzerland to the US; former Deputy Chief of the Department of America of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
Andrew Gilmour
United Kingdom
Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on the Governing Council; Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights OHCHR; Former Director for Political, Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Human Rights affairs in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General.
Heidi Grau
Representative of the Host Government on the Governing Council; Head of the Human Security Division, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Thomas Greminger
Representative of the Host Government on the Governing Council; Head of Political Division IV (Peace Policy) Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
João Honwana
Director, Africa I Division, UN Dep. of Political Affairs; Former Chief of Staff, UN Mission in Sudan; Former Head of UN Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau
Razali Ismail
Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Myanmar, former Ambassador of Malaysia to the UN, former President of the UN General Assembly
Raimund Kunz
Representative of the Host Government of the Governing Council; Former Ambassador of Switzerland to Turkey
Carolyn McAskie
Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the Governing Council; United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support
Youssef Mahmoud
Senior Adviser at IPI; Former Secretary-General’s Special Representative & Head of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Central African Republic & Chad
Peter Maurer
Representative of the Host Government on the Governing Board, Head of Political Division IV of the Federal Government of Foreign Affairs, Berne
Monica McWilliams
United Kingdom
Professor of Women’s Studies at the University of Ulster; Signatory to the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland and former Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.
Jonathan Moore
United States
Former US Ambassador to the United Nations; Associate at Harvard Kennedy School where he was Director of its Institute of Politics
Michael Møller
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva; Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Cyprus
Hisashi Owada
President & Judge, International Court of Justice in The Hague; former Permanent Represenative to the UN in NY; former President, JIIA
Jan Pronk
Former Professor at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague; Former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sudan
Mohamed Sahnoun
Former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General for Africa; former Deputy Secretary-General of the AU
Maurice Strong
Former UN Under-Secretary-General, President of the Council of the University for Peace, former Secretary General of the Rio Conference
Mabel Van Oranje
CEO of The Elders; Founder and Co-Chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations; former Advocacy Director of the Open Society Institute
Anthony Travis
United Kingdom
Former Senior Partner, Gainsbury and Consort; former Senior Partner of Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Necla Tschirgi
Professor of Practice, Human Security & Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the Uni. of San Diego; former Senior Policy Advisor to the Peacebuilding Support Office at the UN Secretariat
Cassam Uteem
President of Mauritius (1992-2002); Former Special Envoy of UN Secretary General and Head of the UN Electoral Observer Mission in Burundi (MENUB)
Danilo Türk
Rep. of the UN Secretary-General on Governing Board, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, former Ambassador of Slovenia to the UN in NY
Karina Vartanova
Switzerland / Russia
Former audit director at KPMG. Has worked with international large & medium-sized NGOs; IFRC, the Gavi & the Global Fund amongst others.
Claude Wild
Representative of the Host Government of the Governing Council; Head of Human Security Division , Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Rubén Zamora
El Salvador
Former Vice President of National Parliament and Former member of Parliament
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