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From participation to local ownership 

May 13, 2024

From February 2022 to October 2023, as part of the Mediation Consortium, under the project “Support for mediation for resilience and peace in Ituri and Great North Kivu”, funded by the European Union and implemented by Interpeace, Pole Institute, Action for Peace and Concord (APC) and the Center for International Cooperation at the New York University, several activities were carried out. They ranged from consultations to participatory action research, capacity building of local actors and support for mediation/dialogue processes. All were in line with the national strategy of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (P-DDRCS) and the latter's provincial operational plans, in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri. As the project implementation period draws to a close, the consortium partners, in consultation with supported mediators and other stakeholders, have identified ten lessons learned during the mediation process in Ituri and Beni. This report presents these as well as the processes that generated them. It also includes descriptions of significant changes and impacts to which the project may have contributed in the intervention areas. By sharing these lessons, we hope that they will contribute to the understanding of the role of internal mediators and how international and national communities can support these actors in their conflict prevention and resolution efforts.