Inter-clan disputes between the Degodia and Garre tribes of Mandera County plagued the period from 2010 to 2015. This conflict claimed countless lives and led to livestock raiding and property destruction. In villages like Malkaruqa, Garse, and Yabicho, Garre farmers found themselves uprooted from their ancestral lands, their once-lush irrigation farms reduced to ruins, and their mango trees that had once adorned the landscape mercilessly cut down. Similarly, the Degodia communities were displaced from Banisa and Takaba, and each clan retreated to their own clan territories.

Despite this despair, the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) and Interpeace, recognising the urgent need for a ceasefire, initiated inter community dialogues within the conflict between the Garre and Degodia clans. These dialogues brought together a diverse group of individuals, under the guidance of a remarkable woman named Zahara Bashir Ali. Zahara, a member of the Board for the Network for Peace, Cohesion, and Heritage (NEPCOH) and an active participant in Interpeace's Kenya Programmes working group, processed a vision that transcended the conflict. When the Degodia clan proposed using her farm as a meeting ground for the two communities, Zahara saw an opportunity to unite the two communities.

The severe drought that afflicted the area and heightened tensions between the clans served as one of the initiatives' driving forces. Zahara realised that her farm, once abandoned and neglected, could become a catalyst for change. With determination in her heart, she accepted the proposal, opening her land to both the Garre and Degodia farmers. Zahara’s unwavering belief in the power of unity became the beacon of hope that the villagers yearned for. The neglected land was meticulously restored, and the once-destroyed irrigation system was painstakingly resurrected.

Both clans have agreed on a set of rules that govern the management of the farm. These rules encompass various aspects, ranging from the fair distribution of the farm to ensuring peaceful coexistence and providing protection against external threats. A committee, selected through mutual agreements, is responsible for overseeing the farm's operations, which is shared equally between the Garre and Degodia clans. To maintain consistency in measurement, the committee employs one person's foot as the standard unit of length, ensuring that no other individual measures the farm. Each member retains ownership of the produce they cultivate on the farm.

However, the collaboration has faced certain challenges, including limited farm space and the strain on key personnel involved in the day-to-day farm operations. Despite these obstacles, the farm currently accommodates approximately 53 residents. Efforts are underway to sustain and expand the collaboration in the future by institutionalising engagement and replicating the model in other areas such as Qalicha, Rhamu Dimtu, Garse and Malka Ruqa.

The collaboration has brought numerous benefits to both communities. It has ensured access to food, provided protection against external aggression, and fostered a close working relationship with local chiefs from both clans. Furthermore, its impact has extended beyond the borders of Yabicho. Displaced families on the Ethiopian side, who found themselves caught in the crossfire of the Garre-Degodia conflict, have regained hope through their involvement in accessing farming activities. The unity forged through this collaboration has rippled across vast distances, healing long-standing wounds.

Adopting best practises for inter-community collaboration in the creation and management of sustainable farming activities is crucial. These practises include trust-building, mobilisation of peace-minded farm owners, developing rules of engagement, crop management, creating agribusiness awareness, accessing markets and irrigation facilities, and developing entrepreneurship skills among farmers.

"This collaborative effort has the potential to impart invaluable lessons on resilience, social cohesion, and interdependence to other communities. The NCIC/Interpeace peacebuilding programme is looking to expand this farming initiative to Badasa and Songa villages in Marsabit," says Interpeace’s Kenya Country Representative, Hassan Ismail on the pressing need to replicate similar projects.

"Implementing similar projects in neighbouring villages can nurture a sense of interdependence between the Garre and Degodia clans in Mandera, contributing to a community-led process of reconciliation and post-conflict reconstruction, all while promoting sustainable farming practises."

We have been deeply saddened to learn of the death on 31 May 2023 of Dr. Agnes Abuom.

Dr. Abuom was a member of Interpeace’s global Governing Board since December 2019. Prior to that, from 2014 to 2019, she was a member of Interpeace’s affiliated Board for Eastern and Central Africa based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Born in Nandi Hills, northwest Kenya, in 1949, with family members who were Protestant, Catholic, Anglican, and Pentecostal, Agnes was committed throughout her life to ecumenism, economic justice, peace and reconciliation. She was President and subsequently the first woman Moderator of the World Council of Church’s Central Committee.

During the 1970s, Dr. Abuom studied in Sweden and was awarded a doctorate for her studies on the role of NGOs in development before she began working on refugee issues in Sudan. From 1989, after having been imprisoned for criticising the government, Dr. Abuom ran programmes on development and civic governance for the Anglican Church of Kenya. In 1997, she founded TAABCO, a research and development consultancy.

In Kenya and internationally, she championed cooperation and unity across religions, economic and gender justice for women, and peace.

“Agnes inspired a generation of peacebuilding by Interpeace, through her enthusiastic encouragement of our work and her wisdom and insightful advice,” said Simon Gimson, Acting President of Interpeace. “Her commitment to peacebuilding values, in word and deed, was always thoughtful and inclusive. Agnes was a powerful advocate for the voices of the voiceless in communities, and an enthusiastic supporter of practical peacebuilding action. Agnes is deeply missed and will always be remembered with warmth, affection and enduring appreciation by Interpeace.”

From everyone at Interpeace, we send our condolences to Agnes’ family, friends and colleagues across her many walks of life.

"The validation workshop for the 'public participation and data-driven problem-solving in policing' curriculum marks a crucial step in advancing the Ethiopian police service through the training set by the Ethiopian Police University (EPU.) This workshop empowers our trainees with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage the public in identifying community problems and then devise and implement solutions to those issues. By recognising the importance of collaborative problem-solving, we enhance community-police relations and ensure the safety of our citizens."Tamru*, a senior lecturer and trainer in police science at the EPU.

In a significant stride towards improving the police service and fostering collaboration, the Ethiopian Police University (EPU) and Interpeace signed a comprehensive memorandum of understanding (MoU). As part of this partnership, a team of experts from both organisations developed a module "public participation and data-driven problem-solving in policing" on collaborative problem-solving that will be integrated into EPU's training programmes. This will equip police officers with the necessary skills to work collaboratively with communities and other stakeholders to solve complex problems. Recently, a validation workshop gathered 25 key stakeholders, including the president and vice president of EPU, academicians, and researchers, to assess the content and relevance of the curriculum, marking a crucial step towards transforming community-police relations and enhancing public safety.

Addressing historical gaps in fostering positive interactions between the community and the police

The Ethiopian police service has faced persistent challenges in effectively engaging the public and fostering their active and meaningful participation due to a history of mutual mistrust and hostility. The prevailing perception of the police as the sole entity responsible for addressing crime has hindered the integration of citizens' voices. Consequently, problem definition and priority-setting activities were exclusively carried out by the police department, while systematic approaches to analysing crime and safety-related concerns were limited or non-existent. Recognising the pressing need for change, the EPU, in partnership with Interpeace, endeavoured to bridge this historical gap by developing a pioneering curriculum module.

Collaborative problem-solving approach

The curriculum module focuses on collaborative problem-solving, incorporating data-driven methodologies, and leveraging Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. It equips police trainees with tools and knowledge to effectively engage with the public. Active community participation enables a broader perspective, addresses diverse community needs, and co-creates solutions to crime and safety challenges. This innovative approach heralds a new era of community-oriented policing in Ethiopia.

Significance of the validation workshop

The validation workshop served two key objectives. Firstly, it addressed the need for more technology-based collaborative problem-solving approaches in police training programmes. By integrating this module into EPU's curriculum, future police officers will be equipped with essential skills and knowledge for data-driven and participatory community engagement. Secondly, the workshop evaluated the module's content and relevance within the Ethiopian context, ensuring it meets the unique needs of communities and the police department.

Tamru*, a senior lecturer and trainer in police science at the EPU, emphasised the importance of integrating technology-based collaborative problem-solving approaches into training and education programmes. He views the validation workshop as a significant milestone, stating:

"This initiative is of utmost importance and timeliness in transforming our police service. It is widely acknowledged that the police alone cannot address all crime and safety-related concerns. However, I have observed significant challenges in fostering active public engagement in maintaining peace across different levels. This stems from the inadequacy of our current police education and training schemes to equip trainees with the necessary and up-to-date knowledge of collaborative problem-solving activities. Hence, this curriculum will be critical in helping our trainees realise the importance of engaging the public in effectively addressing crime and safety-related concerns.”

The validation workshop for the "public participation and data-driven problem-solving in policing" module is a defining moment for the Ethiopian police service. It showcases the commitment of the EPU to revolutionise police training, promote community engagement, and foster a safer society. Policymakers, police leadership, and donors must provide unwavering support for successful implementation of the trust-building community policing programme in Ethiopia. By embracing data-driven problem-solving and public participation, Ethiopia paves the way for a more inclusive, effective, and community-oriented police service.

*Names have been changed to protect the subjects’ identities.

In the heart of the Great Lakes region, the youth population of Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Uganda are stepping up to ask for a seat at the table in rebuilding their nations after years of conflict. With unwavering determination, they are demanding inclusive leadership and active participation in peacebuilding.

The Great Lakes Youth Peace (GLYP) Summit, organised by Interpeace and its partner organisations, the Centre d’Alerte et de Prévention des Conflits (Burundi), Action pour la Paix Concorde (DRC), Pole Institute (DRC), Refugee Law Project (Uganda), Never Again Rwanda (Rwanda), and Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle (Rwanda), provided a platform for young people to have their voices to be heard and united as future leaders in their quest for peace and development. The summit is part of the Great Lakes YouthLab initiative supported by the European Union and the Swiss Development Cooperation, which aims to promote a culture of peace and responsible citizenship among young people in the Great Lakes region.



Despite facing challenges such as unemployment, poverty, and limited access to education, the youth refuse to be defined by their hardships. At the summit, participants identified common obstacles and made recommendations to decision-makers. They emphasised the need for purposeful budget allocations to empower the youth through programmes such as skills training, mentorship, and entrepreneurship support.

Education took centre stage, with calls for increased support for skills training programmes. Gender equity was also highlighted, urging the inclusion of young women in decision-making processes and economic activities. The GLYP Summit showcased the transformative power of youth engagement through the inaugural Great Lakes Youth Talks. These conversations demonstrated that the youth are not merely seeking to be heard but are actively driving positive change in their communities.

The impact of the summit goes beyond its recommendations. It paves the way for greater youth participation in governance, peacebuilding, and development initiatives. Decision-makers, civil society organisations, and regional stakeholders are beginning to recognise and appreciate the power of youth voices. By embracing their ideas, providing resources, and fostering an inclusive environment, the Great Lakes region can harness the potential of its young generation and transform its trajectory.

As momentum grows, the world must actively involve and support the youth in their efforts. The journey towards sustainable peace and development requires the contributions of all stakeholders, with the youth at the forefront. Together, they can build a region where opportunities abound, wounds of conflict heal, and the dreams and aspirations of the youth are realised. The Great Lakes youth are ready to make their mark, and political and civil society leaders are beginning to recognise their power.

The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda left the country with tremendous consequences for mental health, social cohesion, reconciliation, and socioeconomic development. The Government of Rwanda and its partners have made efforts to tackle these persistent challenges, nearly 29 years after the Genocide.

To support the government’s efforts, Interpeace introduced a societal healing programme that uses a holistic approach to address mental health, foster social cohesion and stimulate the livelihoods of individuals and communities. The holistic programme, titled “Reinforcing community capacity for social cohesion and reconciliation through societal trauma healing,” was piloted in Bugesera District, Eastern Province of Rwanda, from October 2020 to September 2022, with funding from the European Union (EU).

During a high-level national conference organised on 9 March 2023 to share the outcomes, challenges and lessons identified from the pilot phase’s implementation, it was revealed that the programme has demonstrated that a holistic societal healing approach in the context of Rwanda is more relevant than ever, given the socio-political transition from reconciliation to community resilience, 29 years after the Genocide.

The programme utilised structured and contextualised group-based psychological interventions (protocols for mental health and psychosocial support) to create and facilitate healing spaces in communities across Bugesera District. The healing spaces contributed to reducing trauma/psychological wounds, increasing the sense of safety, trust, cohesion, and reconciliation among Genocide survivors, Genocide perpetrators and their relatives. They also stimulated intergenerational dialogues between Genocide survivors, Genocide perpetrators and their children, mostly those born during or after the Genocide. Additionally, the programme addressed intergenerational transmission of genocide legacies, marital conflicts, improved intrafamily communication and cohesiveness, and strengthened individual’s mental resilience.

Graduates of the healing spaces acquired entrepreneurship and financial skills, enabling them to initiate collaborative livelihood initiatives and further cement social relations among themselves.

The programme has also contributed to improving the prisoner rehabilitation and reintegration process. It established healing spaces in Bugesera prison, providing psychosocial support to those about to be released and facilitating their acquisition of hands-on skills to ease their social reintegration.

In her remarks, Interpeace’s Senior Director of Programmes, Renée Larivière, noted that the pilot programme was initiated in line with the organisation’s strategic objective of enhancing resilience for peace. She highlighted the fact that the pilot phase achieved greater results than initially expected. “What started as a modest initiative to develop new and innovative ways to build lasting peace has taken us on an extraordinary journey to achieve more holistic change,” she noted.

The conference, which incorporated panel discussions, testimonies, and audiovisual content, served as  an opportunity to familiarise policymakers, societal healing and peacebuilding actors, government officials, the media, academia, and others with the programme’s approaches to stir up debate around societal trauma healing approaches in Rwanda.

Participants commended the programme's achievements and its contribution to building a Rwandan society that is mentally, socially, and economically resilient, peaceful, and inclusive. To sustain the programme’s grains, most conference participants advocated for the institutionalisation of the tools developed (protocols and curricula) and the implementation of mechanisms to train interested actors in their proper use. One of the participants went further to suggest the implementation of a specific training institution that could utilise these scientific tools to strengthen the capacity of local and regional actors. “I am thankful to Interpeace, which has developed and contextualised those tools. Institutionalising them is the better way to ensure that they have a bigger impact. However, the best way of ensuring their sustainability is to establish a learning institution that can serve to train local actors to implement them and share Rwanda’s experience with other countries facing similar challenges,” suggested Marcelin Sebagabo.

Her Excellency Belén Calvo Uyarra, the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Rwanda, reiterated the EU’s support for peacebuilding initiatives in Rwanda.  “We have seen how our efforts to promote collective trauma healing in Rwanda through mental health, psychosocial and livelihood support have had a positive impact on communities. We are hearing how former enemies, victims, and perpetrators have come to trust each other again and develop ways to heal the community. The EU will remain a strong partner of Rwanda in areas of reconciliation, peacebuilding, and justice,” she added.

The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement (MINUMWE), appreciated Interpeace’s holistic and adaptive approach that led to tremendous change at individual, community, and institutional levels. “This adaptive programme management approach sets a good foundation for the sustainability of the results achieved on the ground.  The protocols that were developed are in line with our vision to promote standardisation in the societal healing sector, and we hope there will be moments for their institutionalisation where applicable.”

In closing, she expressed her appreciation to the Government of Sweden for providing funding that helped scale up this programme to five more districts with the target of reaching more than 20,000 individuals in the next three years.

In late April, traditional chiefs from the Ituri province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) gathered in Bunia to discuss effective strategies to curb rampant violence perpetrated by armed groups in the region. The two-day meeting was a productive forum for open and honest exchanges about each individual's role in restoring state authority and supporting the peace process. During the meeting, some chiefs expressed their belief that security in Ituri should come from the people themselves, while others called for an end to hypocrisy and a united effort towards peace. To demonstrate their commitment to tangible results, the traditional chiefs signed a commitment to working towards building peace at the end of the dialogue.

During the meeting, a representative of the customary chiefs acknowledged the challenging task. "We are committed to implementing all we have learned during these two days for peace in our dear and unique province. However, we are seeking the support of the political, administrative, military, police, and judicial hierarchy to accompany us in this difficult ordeal requiring the assistance of all.”

The Director of the Ituri Military Governor's Office echoed the call for collective commitment to peace. "All of us must commit ourselves to peace in Ituri and spread peace. Spread this hope so that Ituri can find peace. Pona paix toko lemba te..., Ju ya amani hatuta choka..., for peace we will never be tired...," emphasised Master Unega

" As leaders, we have the responsibility to ensure that the people we govern live in a state of total peace and tranquility. However, we must acknowledge that achieving peace often requires sacrifice from all parties involved. Therefore, I urge us to adopt a spirit of sacrifice, service, and selflessness towards others. By doing so, we can try to leave a more peaceful Ituri to future generations," urged Interpeace’s programme officer, Christian Vangazi.

The provincial coordinator of the Société Civile/Forces Vives of Ituri, Dieudonné Lossa, invited everyone to objectively reflect on the current situation, as he believed that without peace, progress was impossible.

The ongoing issue of civilian killings in this region continues to pose a significant obstacle. In response, the Congolese Head of State, Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo, has extended an outstretched hand to promote peace. This message serves as a call to action for armed groups to fully commit to the peace process and work towards a resolution. "We strongly appeal to all armed groups to join the Demobilisation, Disarmament, Community Recovery, and Stabilisation (P-DDRCS) programme," the traditional leaders urged.

The meeting brought together over 100 participants, including customary chiefs from the five territories of Ituri, representatives of civil society, administrators of the territories, the P-DDRCS, the provincial inspectorate, and other actors involved. The discussion was part of a project supporting mediation and resilience for peace in Ituri and Greater North Kivu, implemented by the Mediation Consortium, composed of Interpeace, the Pole Institute, Action for Peace and Concord (APC), and New York University (NYU). This initiative was driven by civil society in collaboration with the provincial government through the technical support of Interpeace with funding from the European Union.