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September 20, 2011
Policy brief 5: Assessing the progress in implementation

This policy brief assesses the progress in implementing the Paris Declaration and the Fragile States Principles.

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September 11, 2011
Constitution-making and reform: Options for the process

This handbook is the 'how to guide' for constitution-makers around the world. Over 120 practitioners and experts with invaluable first hand field experience have been involved in the drafting. Over 100 case studies fed into the process. The book does not focus on just one area of constitution-making but takes a global view on the […]

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August 31, 2011
Entornos violentos: Contexto en el que crece la juventud hondureña

The document analyzes the different forms of violence that are affecting teenagers and Honduran youth today. It also outlines the typical responses to this issue that have been taken so far.

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August 31, 2011
De la prevención local a la nacional: Propuestas para prevenir la violencia que afecta a la juventud en Honduras

This document outlines a number of policy proposals that have come out of consultations across Honduras. Primary prevention proposals cover domestic and family violence, violence in schools, violence in the community and by the state. Secondary prevention strategies include comprehensive care for vulnerable youth as well as promoting the social reintegration of gang members. Tertiary […]

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August 18, 2011
Somali programme overview

This document summarizes all Interpeace activities in the Somali Region. It provides an overview of Interpeace's collaboration with its three Somali partner organizations, the Academy for Peace and Development (APD) (Somaliland), the Puntland Development Research Center (PDRC) (Puntland), and the Center for Research and Dialogue (CRD) (South-Central Somalia).

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August 16, 2011
Policy brief 4: Core civil society messages to the International Dialogue

This policy brief summarizes the core messages from civil society to the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. The main messages can be grouped into four topics: messages on violence, peacebuilding and development; messages on the balanced relationship between state and non-state actors; messages on the peacebuilding and statebuilding objectives; and messages on thematic issues.

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