This video portrays Somali women as extraordinary peacebuilders for whom peace must be attained “at any cost.” It emphasizes the importance of women in society and in the economy, highlighting the importance of investing in girls’ education.
This video portrays Somali women as extraordinary peacebuilders for whom peace must be attained “at any cost.” It emphasizes the importance of women in society and in the economy, highlighting the importance of investing in girls’ education.
The latest report In Pursuit of Peace Challenges and Opportunities in the Central Regions presented by Interpeace and the Center for Research and Dialogue (CRD) highlights how to make the most of the progressive stabilization of the security situation in certain regions of South and Central Somalia.
This document outlines the recommendations from civil society on maximizing peacebuilding results on fulfilling New Deal commitments.
This document outlines the recommendations from civil society on maximizing peacebuilding results on fulfilling New Deal commitments.
The role of leadership in building sustainable peace remains little understood. We cannot research this unless we clarify our understanding of conflict transformation, peacebuilding and leadership. This working paper provides a summary introduction to some key concepts and perspectives on leadership - and on followership.
This report summarizes the civil society workshop on peacebuilding, statebuilding and engagement with the International Dialogue in Nairobi 28-30 March 2012.