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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
May 7, 2013
The search for peace - A peace mapping study

This video provides examples of locally-driven peace processes in which clans peacefully mediated the end to violent conflicts and disputes in the Somali region after the civil war of 1991.

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May 6, 2013
IPAT resource note: conflict sensitivity

This paper aims to refine the available framework for analyzing conflict sensitive aid by more explicitly differentiating where tensions and conflicts lie that can be aggravated by aid providers.

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May 2, 2013
Educators on "Ecole du débat" program

Since 2006, the School of Debate programme has been working with youth in secondary schools and universities to promote a culture of debate and critical thinking as fundamental aspects of a functioning democracy. The video shows the views of four educators following a meeting which gathered almost 50 educators to share lessons learned and explore […]

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May 1, 2013
Conflict Sensitivity - Refining The Analytical Framework

Aid that is being provided to populations affected by disasters, endemic violence or conflict needs to be conflict sensitive. Minimally, it should ‘do no harm’ i.e. not create, consolidate or aggravate negative dynamics, and if at all possible, it should try to ‘do some good’ i.e. contribute to and support positive and constructive dynamics. The […]

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April 25, 2013
Puntland: Civic education programme through traditional delivery

The video presents the screening of the film documenting the civic education campaign during an awareness-raising workshop for students in a secondary school in the town of Galkayo.

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March 27, 2013
Local ownership of capacity development

This document highlights the importance of local ownership in a short case study. It illustrates the role of Palestinian-Arabs in Israel in strengthening their own capacities for constructive action.

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