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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
July 24, 2014
A conversation with Edelberto Torres Rivas on the 20th anniversary of Interpeace

Interpeace interviewed Edelberto Torres Rivas, a renowned sociologist. Rivas was also the Director of the Interpeace project in 1997 (at that time the War-torn Societies Project) in order to gauge the progress of social reconstruction. Rivas discusses how Interpeace has encouraged a dialogue aimed at bringing diverse Guatemalan political and social actors together. He also […]

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July 24, 2014
Fifteen years later - reflections on the experience of POLSEDE and its usefulness in the present

The former Latin American Regional Director of Interpeace, Bernado Arévalo de León, looks at another previous initiative in Guatemala regarding the reintegration of security institutions. De León notes how Interpeace has prompted various stakeholders to discuss security issues through inclusive and participatory forums. He underlines how the success of peacebuilding processes in Guatemala is contingent […]

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June 5, 2014
Practical Guidance For A Participatory Peace And Development Analysis

The following resource note was produced by IPAT Senior Peacebuilding Adviser, Koenraad van Brabant, and based on his field experience in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.

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June 5, 2014
Determining Priorities In Peace Work

“Prioritization” is a requirement in many circumstances, including in peace work and in stabilization efforts. In practice, this frequently turns out not to be so easy. In challenging environments, everything often is a “priority” and even though we have identified “priorities” we also get dragged into managing the day-to-day problems that present themselves.

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May 26, 2014
Strategic Planning For Peace-Relevant Work

The following resource note was produced by IPAT Senior Peacebuilding Adviser, Koenraad van Brabant, in the context of the IPAT facilitation support he conducted during a two-and-a-half day workshop for senior staff from four Dutch embassies in the Great Lakes Region. The workshop was part of a pioneering process with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign […]

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May 7, 2014
Santa Tecla: a fertile ground to reduce violence

Santa Tecla is part of the communities that have declared themselves violence-free. This case study investigates the prevention efforts that were undertaken by various actors to reduce violence in the community.

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