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October 13, 2015
Public participation and citizen engagement - Effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts

This document is a background course on effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts. It explores the importance of public participation and citizen engagement on issues of public importance.

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October 13, 2015
Understanding and working with power - Effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts

This document is a background course on effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts. Anyone interested in ‘change’ has an interest in understanding ‘power’, because ‘power’ is both one of the constraining factors to change and one of its enablers. This paper discusses the importance of understanding and working with power in multi-stakeholder processes.

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October 13, 2015
Doing development differently - Effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts

This document is a background course on effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts. It focuses on the ‘3Ds’ of ‘Doing Development Differently,’ in other words on how development (state and institution building and institutional reform) is done.

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October 13, 2015
The art of asking catalytic questions - Effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts

This document is a background course on effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts. Asking powerful, compelling questions that matter is a central skill of an adviser, mentor or coach, or of a thought leader, seeking to catalyze in others the energies to develop competencies and capacities and to move towards a stronger future. This […]

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October 13, 2015
Appreciative inquiry - Effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts

This document is a background course on effective advising in statebuilding and peacebuilding contexts. This paper explores the practice of appreciative inquiry in advising, which aims at perceiving organizations as ‘social constructs’ that are produced and reproduced through conversations.

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October 12, 2015
Effective Advising in Statebuilding and Peacebuilding Contexts - Why - The Limited Value-for-Money of International Technical Cooperation, Capacity-Development and Institutional Reform Support

‘Technical Cooperation’ or ‘Technical Assistance’, mostly in the form of international experts and advisors, and loans and grants for ‘institutional reform’ constitute a huge share of official development assistance. Yet a growing body of comparative and cumulative evaluations, further bolstered by academic research, show that its overall effectiveness in terms of better functioning governments, is […]

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