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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
January 12, 2016
Ces terres des autres qui sont à nous

Coverage of the Great Lakes programme Regional Stakeholders' Forum in Burundi's Iwacu newspaper.

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January 12, 2016
Les organisations de la Société Civile du Burundi, de la RDC et du Rwanda engagées ensemble pour la paix

Coverage of the Great Lakes programme Regional Stakeholders' Forum in Burundi's Iwacu newspaper.

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January 5, 2016
Peace and Development Analysis. Findings & Emerging Priorities . Analytical Report prepared by IPAT for the UN in Papua New Guinea – Spreads

A Peace and Development Analysis (PDA) was conducted in 2013 for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea as a collaborative effort of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), the UN in Papua New Guinea through the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and its office in Bougainville, Interpeace and 1,100 crosssection of Bougainvilleans through the […]

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January 5, 2016
Puntland Nabad Ah: Astaynta Horumarka

Qoraalkani waa natiijada cilmibaaris sannad qaadatay oo lagu soo ogaanayey caqabadaha iyo fursadaha ka jira arrimaha la xiriira dimuqraadiyaynta, baahinta maamulka iyo amniga iyo sarraynta sharciga. Waxa lagu fuliyey Barnaamijka Tiirarka Nabadda wajigeeda 2aad, kaas oo ay si wada jir ah isaga kaashadeen hay’daha PDRC iyo Interpeace oo sannado badan ku bahoobey horumarinta nabadda iyo […]

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January 5, 2016
Peace in Puntland: Mapping the progress

This report is the product of a yearlong research on the challenges, opportunities and prospect of demoratization, decentralization and security and rule of law in Puntland. It was implemented under the Pillars of Peace (PoP II) programme through the joint efforts of PDRC and Interpeace, who have been partners in supporting peace-and-statebuilding processes in the […]

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December 17, 2015
Local ownership - An imperative for inclusive peacebuilding

This article explores the importance of ensuring peacebuilding processes are locally-owned and inclusive, in order to guarantee a lasting peace.

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