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June 29, 2016
Renforcement de la confiance entre les populations civiles et les forces de défense et de sécurité: diagnostic et solutions pour une paix durable au Mali

Ce rapport présente les réflexions et solutions développées par plusieurs milliers de Maliens pour répondre à la crise de confiance entre les populations civiles et les forces de défense et de sécurité. Ce défi avait été précédemment identifié par les Maliens comme obstacle prioritaire à la paix (cf. Autoportrait du Mali sur les obstacles à […]

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June 3, 2016
Overcoming exclusion in Sweden through dialogue

On 22 May, Interpeace’s Local Facilitator in Sweden, Tomas Amanuel participated in a debate on Swedish Television’s Agenda program with Interior Minister Anders Ygeman and Centre Party Leader Annie Lööf to discuss the efforts needed to address increasing crime in Stockholm’s marginalized suburbs. Tomas is part of Interpeace’s team leading an initiative on the challenges […]

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June 3, 2016
Strengthening peace through 'resilience' in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is based on extensive work of states, multilateral organizations and civil society organizations, that will guide international development policies of the next fifteen years. The attention now shifts to the design and implementation of national level development plans and policies that will enable countries to meet these goals. The […]

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June 3, 2016
Peace among us - A population-based study about resilience for peace in Guatemala

Twenty years after the signing of the peace accords between the State of Guatemala and the National Revolutionary Unity of Guatemala (URNG) in 1996, Guatemala remains confronted to poverty, exclusion, violence and other conflicts and social issues. These are both roots and consequences of social and political polarization, lack of confidence in and legitimacy of […]

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June 2, 2016
Evaluation of the first phase of the Mali programme (May 2013 – May 2015)

Ce document présente les conclusions et recommandations de l’évaluation externe de la première phase du programme « Un Agenda pour la paix, la réconciliation et la cohésion sociale au Mali » (mai 2013 – mai 2015) ainsi que les réflexions conjointes de l’IMRAP et d’Interpeace sur ses points clés.

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June 2, 2016
Using resilience to build peace - Practice brief: resilience and peacebuilding

The mainstream approach to peacebuilding is for the most part premised on finding solutions to fragility. As such, conflict analysis is the primary tool used to inform programmes and policies. Whilst a sound understanding of conflict dynamics, including root causes is necessary in order to develop an appropriate response, the fragility focus tends to overshadow […]

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