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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
March 14, 2019
Investir dans la paix et la prévention face à l'extrémisme violent
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January 21, 2019
Mediation - Understanding through information and dialogue

How can the media make the voices of young people heard and create dialogue between generations, to contribute to more peaceful societies? This is the subject of the second issue of "Mediation", Fondation Hirondelle's biannual publication. The publication includes an interview with Graeme Simpson, Director of Interpeace USA and lead author of “The Missing Peace” […]

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January 15, 2019
Voz di Paz Brochure

Read more about our partner organization in Guinea- Bissau: Voz di Paz - Iniciativa para a Consolidação da Paz.

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November 22, 2018
Illustrated Synthesis - Portraits Croisés - Local Analysis of Conflict and Resilience Dynamics in the Cercles of Ansongo, Bourem and Gao
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November 22, 2018
Synthèse Illustrée - Portraits Croisés – Analyse locale des dynamiques de conflit et de résilience dans les cercles d’Ansongo, Bourem et Gao
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November 22, 2018
Portraits Croisés - Analyse locale des dynamiques de conflit et de résilience dans les cercles d’Ansongo, Bourem et Gao
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