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9 avril, 2010
Document général: Voix des organisations de la société civile

This background paper brings together the voices of civil society organizations (CSOs) on peacebuilding and statebuilding. It was prepared by Interpeace as an input into the First Global Meeting of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding that was held in Dili, Timor-Leste on 9 to 10 April 2010.

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8 avril, 2010
Background paper: Voices of civil society organizations

This background paper brings together the voices of civil society organizations (CSOs) on peacebuilding and statebuilding. It was prepared by Interpeace as an input into the First Global Meeting of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding that was held in Dili, Timor-Leste on 9 to 10 April 2010.

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10 mars, 2010
Challenges of access to the labour market

This report is the product of one of the four working groups addressing obstacles to peace in Burundi. It details the challenges and possible solutions to issues of unemployment with a special focus on youth.

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9 mars, 2010
Défis d'accès au marché du travail: Quelles alternatives pour les jeunes burundais?

This report is the product of one of the four working groups addressing obstacles to peace in Burundi. It details the challenges and possible solutions to issues of unemployment with a special focus on youth.

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8 mars, 2010
Major challenges and potential points of leverage to encourage political parties

This report published by the local Interpeace partner in Burundi, CENAP, addresses the issue of how to conduct peaceful elections in a post-conflict setting. The publications draws from consultations with Burundians from all sectors of society and from different parts of the country.

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5 mars, 2010
Comment recentrer l'action politique sur les programmes des partis et leurs projets de société?

This report published by the local Interpeace partner in Burundi, CENAP, addresses the issue of how to conduct peaceful elections in a post-conflict setting. The publications draws from consultations with Burundians from all sectors of society and from different parts of the country.

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