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12 octobre, 2015
Effective Advising in Statebuilding and Peacebuilding Contexts - How - Appreciative Inquiry

This paper explores the practice of appreciative inquiry in advising, which aims at perceiving organizations as 'social constructs' that are produced and reproduced through conversations.

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30 septembre, 2015
Compétences d'expert-conseiller thématique dans des contextes de consolidation de la paix et de renforcement des institutions de l'État

Description du cours sur les compétences d'expert-conseiller

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17 août, 2015
Frameworks for Assessing Resilience - Report of the First Global Methodology Workshop

As part of the “Frameworks for Assessing Resilience” (FAR), Interpeace organized and hosted a workshop in New York City on April 14-17 examining ‘resilience for peacebuilding’ in conflict-affected countries. This report is an overview of the four days of discussion and analytical reflection.

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3 août, 2015
Somaliland's progress towards peace: Mapping the community perspective

The Academy for Peace and Development (APD) is proud to present its Pillar Note – the central document of its Pillars of Peace II programme. The pillar note brings together the findings of an extensive mapping exercise carried out across Somaliland by APD at the end of 2013.

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29 juillet, 2015
Resilience in the face of the institutional crisis of the political system

This document takes stock of the Frameworks for Assessing Resilience (FAR) programme in Guatemala. It looks at resilience in light of the current political situation in Guatemala.

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21 juillet, 2015
Executive Summary - Obstacles to social cohesion and dynamics of youth violence in urban spaces

This executive summary outlines the report detailing the results of the participatory research on obstacles to social cohesion and dynamics of youth violence in the urban spaces of Abidjan, and most notably the neighbourhoods of Abobo, Treichville and Yopougon. Four elements have been identified through this research, as obstacles to social cohesion and contributors to […]

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