8 septembre, 2023
Les femmes pour une large sensibilisation autour du Désarmement, Démobilisation et Réinsertion – DDR

  Après avoir fait le constat de la faible information/implication des femmes dans le mécanisme de fonctionnement du DDR, la Coordination des Associations et ONG Féminines du Mali (CAFO) sous le leadership de sa présidente régionale (Mopti) a pu conduire une vaste campagne d’information et de sensibilisation à l’adresse des familles élargies à toutes les […]

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6 septembre, 2023
Kenya : bâtir des communautés fortes et durables grâce au partage des ressources

"Water is life; we do not have a permanent source of water. This village had a booming business when we had water in the pan. Livestock used to come to drink water from the pan, and in return, we used to get milk for our children and tea. Now that there is no water source, […]

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6 septembre, 2023
Kenya : Combler le fossé entre les femmes Samburu et Turkana grâce à des dialogues de consolidation de la paix

  The Samburu-Turkana communities residing in the southern region of Lake Turkana, located in northern Kenya, have a long and tumultuous history of persistent conflict. Rooted in land disputes, unequal resource distribution, and tension between herders and landowners, the violence has had dire consequences for its women. Both Samburu and Turkana women have had to […]

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6 septembre, 2023
Institutionnalisation du système de justice alternative dans le comté de Mandera, Kenya

In Kenya, there is a growing recognition and implementation of alternative justice systems (AJS) as a means of advancing access to justice. These alternative systems aim to provide different forms to dispute resolution mechanism, including traditional approaches, as long as they do not violate the law. The approach taken in Kenya’s alternative justice system policy […]

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5 septembre, 2023
Kenya : Résoudre le conflit et raviver l'unité à Elebor et Turbi dans le comté de Marsabit

Marsabit County, situated along the northern border of Ethiopia, is home to 14 distinct ethnic communities: Borana, Gabbra, Rendille, Garreh, Burji, Daasanach, Somali, Sakuye, Turkana, Ameru, Samburu, Konso, Wayyu, and Elmolo. Among them, the Rendille, Gabbra, and Borana communities hold significant influence, collectively shaping the county's social, political, and economic agendas. The prominence of these […]

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4 septembre, 2023
Kenya : Le voyage transformateur pour ramener la paix à Baragoi

  Nestled in Samburu North’s rugged terrain, Baragoi town was marred by violent conflicts between the Samburu and Turkana communities. A binary boundary divided the town, risking the lives of those who crossed it. The 2012 massacre of over 100 officers in pursuit of stolen livestock earned the region the nickname ‘Valley of Death.’ Amid […]

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