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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace


General Enquiries

If you have any questions regarding our peacebuilding work or if you would like more information on specific programmes, please send us an email at info@interpeace.org.

Feedback or Complaints

Interpeace strives to conduct all of its operations with honesty and integrity, and places great value on maintaining strong, trustful relationships with all individuals, non-state actors, and representatives of organisations and governments with whom we engage on a daily basis. We appreciate all feedback, positive or negative, that can help us reflect on how to achieve better our goal of building sustainable peace.

If you would like to submit constructive feedback or make a complaint, please email coo@interpeace.org.

Alternatively, you can send a written letter by mail, addressed to the Chief Operating Officer, using the headquarters address given.

You can find the details of our full Feedback and Complaints Policy and Procedure ici

For complainants who would like to report anonymously, Interpeace has partnered with a third party (Anderson, Anderson & Brown LLP), which provides an anonymous online reporting mechanism (SeeHearSpeakUp)

Interpeace offices worldwide:

Interpeace Headquarters

Office 5A,
Avenue de France 23,
1202 Genève, Suisse
T +41 (0) 22 404 5900
F +41 (0) 22 404 5901

Interpeace Nairobi Office

Priory Place, 5th Floor
Argwings Kodhek Road
P.O.Box 14520 - 00800 Westlands
Kilimani, Nairobi
T +254 (20) 265 5228
M +254 733 605 290
+254 710 607 373

Interpeace Abidjan Office

Cité Les Oscars 3
Villa N°69, Ilot 6
Riviera Bonoumin
06 BP 2100 Abidjan 06
Côte d’Ivoire
T +225 27 22 42 33 41

Interpeace New York Office

M +1 (646) 643 9979

Interpeace Brussels Office

Square de Meeûs 35, box 200
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
M: +32 484 104 687

Interpeace Guatemala Office

15 calle 3-20 Zona 10
Edificio Centro Ejecutivo,
Oficina 601
01010 Guatemala City
T +502 2381 9700