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Our Shared Responsibility

30 septembre, 2020

Interpeace’s Annual Report “Our Shared Responsibility” illustrates how we are strengthening the capacity of societies to manage conflict in non-violent ways, as well as assisting the international community to be more effective in peacebuilding as we push forward a Peace Responsiveness approach. In 2019, Interpeace enhanced safety and security in Kenya, by supporting a ceasefire that resulted in the peaceful resettlement of displaced persons and contributed to reduce violence in Burundi prior to elections, which is typically considered a highly volatile time. We continued our mandate to help build more resilient and inclusive societies in countries like Guinea-Bissau, Mali et un Rwanda by focusing on enhancing trust between individuals, groups, communities and authorities, while addressing sources of marginalization and exclusion. In Mali, over 120 women, some who participated in armed movements, became active peace agents after agreeing to map high-risk conflict areas where they were then able to mediate and solve conflicts. Furthermore, through our Peacebuilding Advisory Team (IPAT) we helped improve international strategies for peace, working with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNICEF et World Health Organization (WHO). Lastly, our work in the République démocratique du Congo and our newly launched programme in Burkina Faso have provided greater incentives for sustainable peace in the Great Lakes region and in the Sahel region.

Photo credit: Indigo Côte d'Ivoire