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First edition of Interpeace's 20th anniversary journal is out!

24 juillet, 2014
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Interpeace is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2014. To mark the occasion, its Regional Office in Central America is producing a quarterly journal to highlight our activities in the region. Interpeace has been working in Central America since 1996, supporting constructive dialogue that addresses various societal problems. The first edition is available Cliquez ici.

Beyond the Peace Accords in Guatemala- interview with Edelberto Torres Rivas, renowned sociologist

Guatemala has undertaken considerable steps in developing a post-conflict democratic society. Interpeace interviewed Edelberto Torres Rivas, a renowned sociologist. Rivas was also the Director of the Interpeace project in 1997 (at that time the War-torn Societies Project) in order to gauge the progress of social reconstruction. Rivas discusses how Interpeace has encouraged a dialogue aimed at bringing diverse Guatemalan political and social actors together. He also explains how both material reconstruction and national reconciliation are necessary for peace to be sustainable in Guatemala.

Read the full interivew with Edelberto Torres Rivas.

Transforming Security Institutions in Guatemala: POLSEDE

The former Latin American Regional Director of Interpeace, Bernado Arévalo de León, looks at another previous initiative in Guatemala regarding the reintegration of security institutions. De León notes how Interpeace has prompted various stakeholders to discuss security issues through inclusive and participatory forums. He underlines how the success of peacebuilding processes in Guatemala is contingent on the transformation of the armed forces.

Read the full article by Bernardo Arévalo de León.

Sports clubs as a hope for change in Honduras

The Regional Director of the Central American Youth Programme at Interpeace, Isabel Aguilar Umaña, examines the impact of sport clubs (groups of young people who are fans of a particular sports team) on Honduran society. She first provides a thorough overview of the daily challenges faced by Honduran youth, who feel marginalized in a socio-economic environment with few opportunities. Umaña then shows how Interpeace has played an important role in pushing these sport clubs to foster community building, reduce violence among youth and encourage democratic participation.

Read the full article by Isabel Aguilar Umaña.

Be sure to read up more details of the full report.