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Peace art exhibition

28 novembre, 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: François Wavre for Interpeace

Peace Art Exhibition at Interpeace Geneva offices: open to the public 12:00-14:00, 2-6 December 2013.

The City of Geneva recently ran an art competition for International Peace Day, 21 September. The 20 works of art on display in this exhibition were selected by a panel of judges for their effective visualization of the competition theme: peace.

The works of art will be on display at Interpeace's Geneva offices and is open to the public during lunch time from 12:00 to 14:00 from the 2 to 6 of December 2013.

The works of art

To promote the principles of the International Day of Peace, the City of Geneva organized a graphic art competition. The competition was open to all members of the public with participants being encouraged to be creative and express themselves using any form of drawing, graffiti or painting.

The competition was highly successful with over eighty works being submitted. In the end the judges, who consisted of representatives of the municipality, the art world, the private sector and non-governmental organization such as Interpeace, selected 20 works. Four were reproduced into flags and flown alongside flags provided by Interpeace that presented the word "peace" in the six official languages of the United Nations. These flags took pride of place along the iconic Pont du Mont-Blanc from the 20 to the 27 of September this year.

Peace Day

The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on 21 September. On this day the United Nations invites all countries and people to celebrate the values of non-violence and peace by ceasing hostilities and engaging in awareness raising activities that promote the ideals of peace.