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Partnership on constitution-making with UNDEF

4 novembre, 2013
Est. Reading: 1 minute
From left to right: Renée Lariviere, Deputy-Director General for Development and Learning of Interpeace; Scott M. Weber, Director-General of Interpeace; Roland Rich, Executive Head, United Nations Democracy Fund; Michele Brandt, Co-author of Interpeace's constitution-making handbook; Michaela Ledesma, Coordinator, IPAT. Photo credit: Interpeace

Interpeace is pleased to announce its partnership with the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) on a new project entitled, "Supporting Constitution-making and Reform: A Cornerstone for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding."

800 pages of guidance

Interpeace has been engaged in constitution-making since 2006. Its most notable contribution to the field is the publication of the comprehensive handbook: Constitution-making and Reform: Options for the Process. The Handbook was developed through eight practitioner dialogues capturing experiences and lessons learned and drew upon more than 800 of pages of guidance prepared by leading experts in the field about how to design and implement constitution-making processes that are inclusive, transparent, participatory and nationally owned and led. The two-year UNDEF funded project will expand on this work and support Interpeace's continued efforts to promote peace and social cohesion through such processes in fragile and conflict-affected societies.

Building on the previous work

The project aims to improve access to technical assistance as well as create a forum for national and international actors on process dimensions of constitution-making and reform through an interactive portal on Interpeace's existing website, Élaboration de Constitutions pour la paix. The site, already home to the Handbook in anglais et un arabe, will provide enhanced access to training and resource materials, and provide a platform for experiential learning exchanges between international and national actors.

Since 1975, well over two hundred new constitutions have been made – most in response to a serious risk of violent conflict, or as a result of conflict. Interpeace's project will contribute to effective statebuilding and democratic governance as well as to laying the foundation for lasting peace.

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