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Brave peacebuilder Mambo Zawadi, dies in plane crash in DRC

25 novembre, 2019
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Ms Mambo Zawadi and her husband

We are sad to announce the death of Mambo Zawadi, programme coordinator at Sofepadi, our local partner in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Mrs Zawadi and her husband died in a plane crash this Sunday, 24 November 2019.

The couple were returning to Beni from a family visit in Bukavu, when the plane went down shortly after take-off in Goma, a city in the East of DRC. The plane was carrying 17 passengers - including Ms Zawadi and her husband – and two crew members.

We have lost a dear friend, valued colleague and courageous peacebuilder.

“I have learned of the tragic death of our colleague in DRC, Mrs Mambo Zawadi and her husband in a plane crash near Goma. My deepest condolences to her family and all our brave colleagues,” Scott Weber, President of Interpeace writes on Twitter.

Mambo’s death is an irreplaceable loss, but we will be there to help her team to continue to build a safer DRC for all.

We will be working closely with our partner Sofepadi in the coming days and weeks to offer them as much support as we can at this difficult time, and to ensure their great work and the work that Mambo heartily believed in continues.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Mambo’s family and all those affected by Sunday’s crash. Mambo’s memory will live on in all that we do, for many years to come.

Ms Mambo Zawadi and her husband