Mourning former colleague Agneta Johannsen

30 octobre, 2012
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: Claudio Vasquez

It is with great sadness that we must inform you that our former colleague, Agneta Johannsen, passed away yesterday.

Agneta devoted nine years to the organization during the early stages of Interpeace, when it was still a United Nations initiative. Agneta was a great colleague and truly lived the values of the organization. She had a firm belief in the power of local capacities, ideas and solutions. She was a role model and mentor to those who worked with her and was dedicated to bringing the Interpeace approach to life. She will always have a special place in the history of the institution.

Agneta went on to start a successful second career in psychology. She believed that individuals are the essential building blocks of societies and focused her work on their behaviour, desires and hopes.

Our thoughts go out to her family and her friends.