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Celebrating inclusion in Sweden: The Launch of the One Sweet World campaign

30 août, 2016
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Building on its work in Suède, Interpeace has joined forces with Ben & Jerry’s to spread the word of inclusion. Interpeace’s work has shown the importance of building inclusive societies. Through our partnership and campaign with Ben & Jerry’s in Sweden, we want to engage people from all walks of life and promote the idea that inclusion concerns everyone in Swedish society.

Celebrate inclusion and join the One Sweet World campaign in Sweden starting on September 2, 16:00-17:30 at the Tensta market, Stockholm’s second largest festival!

One Sweet World

Through ‘One Sweet World’, we are calling on people across Sweden to stand up for inclusion. We are asking people to share positive community stories, to celebrate local heroes and break down myths and stereotypes regarding differences.

We are inviting our friends and followers to get engaged through the One Sweet World campaign. There are no quick fixes to building more inclusive and welcoming societies, and it will take much more than a single campaign. That is why we will be adding our voice to movements already under way across Sweden, from community projects that bring people together to organizations helping to improve understanding, build common ground and ultimately drive change from the grassroots.

To learn about the One Sweet World campaign and how you can get engaged and spread the word of inclusion visit our campaign page ici

Our work in Sweden

The campaign builds on Interpeace’s work on inclusion in Sweden. In 2013, Interpeace started to explore how its proven methods could help address rising social tensions in Sweden. Today, we work with actors at the local and national level, seeking to help promote a more inclusive society.

In 2015, we launched a nation-wide research seeking to capture people’s voices on inclusion and better understand how inclusion can be increasingly fostered in Sweden. Our latest report, presenting the findings of our research led in Älvsjö (Stockholm), Luleå, Rosengård (Malmö) and Tensta (Stockholm) will be published in September 2016 (“From Margins to Mainstream: Fostering Inclusion in Sweden”, Interpeace, September 2016).

Our work has shown that exclusion and marginalization of societal groups sow the seeds for misunderstandings, mistrust, and potentially violence. While Sweden has taken great steps towards building an inclusive society, critical challenges remain especially with regard to increased discrimination and marginalization of immigrant populations from Swedish society. These issues prompt reflections about the progress of inclusion in Swedish society, and invite us to reflect creatively on how to foster greater inclusion.
