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'No' to violence. 'No' to coercion. 'Yes' to peace.

19 septembre, 2011
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Jeremy Gilley, Founder of Peace One Day

Interpeace signs up to support Peace One Day. Interpeace today joins Jeremy Gilley, the Peace One Day team, and all those calling for the Global Truce 2012. It’s a call for a day of ceasefire and non-violence to be observed by everyone around the globe and is scheduled for next year’s Peace Day on Friday, 21 September, 2012. The 365-day global countdown will start on Wednesday, 21 September 2011, at the O2 Arena in London.

La paix est possible
Interpeace partners in countries across Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe and the Middle East are backing the Global Truce 2012 initiative. As Interpeace works to build lasting peace in their own societies, the Global Truce 2012 is an opportunity to demonstrate to the world that peace is possible.

Uniting for peace
“We see it every day. The foundations for lasting peace are being laid by brave and committed individuals on a daily basis,” confirms Scott M. Weber, Director-General of Interpeace. Scott adds: “Interpeace is supporting a global truce on World Peace Day 2012 as we can all make a difference on that day by uniting for peace.” He closes by saying: “We must all say ‘No’ to violent conflict. ‘No’ to coercion. And ‘yes’ to peace. Together we can make peace – not just for one day but for everyday.”

For more on the Global Truce 2012 go to www.peaceoneday.org

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