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Support for inclusive governance of natural resources to prevent conflict on the Burkina Faso – Ivory Coast Border

Conflicts over the use of resources (water and land) and pressure on protected areas are significant in the cross-border areas of Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. This area is increasingly exposed to the effects of climate change, which further accentuates competition for natural resources. As a result, there is a major risk of local and cross-border community conflict, accentuated by the effects of growing insecurity and the increasing flow of displaced people. Interpeace, in partnership with Indigo Côte d'Ivoire, has been running an initiative since January 2023 that aims to promote the stabilization and prevention of violent conflict through the strengthening of resilience, social cohesion and cross-border cooperation between these two countries.

The initiative began in the Cascades region of Burkina Faso, in the Comoé province (Niangoloko commune) and the Léraba province (Niankorodougou commune).

In Côte d'Ivoire, the Savanes district in the Tchologo region, more specifically in the Ouangolodougou department (Toumoukoro sub-prefecture and Kaouara sub-prefecture) has been targeted.

In a consensual manner and adapted to climate change, this project identifies and builds or rehabilitates social and economic infrastructures around which conflicts linked to natural resources are concentrated and implements the corresponding services. This is accompanied by the implementation of measures and mechanisms designed to promote social cohesion and the prevention and resolution of conflicts, particularly those linked to the use of natural resources. As a result, access to natural resources in the area will be pacified and improved, and conflicts over use and cohabitation in border communities reduced.


