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Peace Responsiveness in Practice: FAO irrigation & water management projects contributing to Peace in Somalia

23 mai, 2023


By 2018, years of drought in Somalia had seen irrigation structures decay and access to water resources became more precarious. Both were contributing to recurring community conflicts. A Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) -led project sought to respond by partnering with Interpeace's Somalia team. A participatory context analysis identified the issues driving conflict and outlined opportunities to address them. A programme clinic then pooled the expertise of FAO, Interpeace staff, Somali government representatives, and conflict affected citizens to recommended adjustments to the project that would ensure it was peace responsive. These included pursuing transparent and fair procurement processes, recruiting more unemployed youth, and strengthening water governance mechanisms. Within 2 years, the project not only improved irrigation & water management, but also contributed to peace and security by strengthening local ownership, improving inter-community relations, and promoting livelihoods.