Eradicating intolerance and hate crimes

Christie Edwards, an internationally recognized legal expert with over twenty years of experience working on international humanitarian and human rights law, interviewed by Jacqueline Dalton, on helping governments eradicate intolerance and hate crimes.

Digitizing actions for peace

Gbenga Sesan, Executive Director of Paradigm Initiative, social enterprise focused on digital inclusion and digital rights operating across several African countries, interviewed by Jacqueline Dalton, on the use of digital tools for non-violent purposes.

Governing institutions for sustainable peace

General Roméo Dallaire, member of the International Commission on Inclusive Peace, former Canadian Senator and founder of the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace, and Security, and Bernardo Arévalo de León, member of the Guatemalan Congress, senior diplomat and member of the International Commission on Inclusive Peace of the P4P initiative, interviewed by Luvini Ranasinghe, on the role of governing institutions in building sustainable peace.

Faire face à la désinformation pour une paix durable

Brice Landry Ndangoui, rédacteur en chef de Radio Ndeke Luka, la radio la plus écoutée en République centrafricaine, interviewé par Nicolas Boissez, sur le rôle des fausses informations et des rumeurs dans les conflits.

Storytelling for societal trauma healing

Frank Kayitare, Great Lakes Regional Representative of Interpeace, interviewed by Jacqueline Dalton, on the role of storytelling in societal trauma healing after the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Technological solutions for peacebuilding

Monica Curca, +Peace's Director, cultural organizer, peacebuilder, communications strategist, designer, and facilitator, interviewed by Luvini Ranasinghe, on the power of storytelling, human-centered design and technological solutions to create inclusive communities.

Integrating gender into peacebuilding

Rosa Emilia Salamanca, Executive Director of Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE) in Colombia, and Sophia Close, Head of Gender and Peacebuilding at Conciliation Resources, interviewed by Arnoldo Galvez, on integrating gender into peacebuilding.

Creating a safe online space for democracy

Alex Krasodomski-Jones, Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, interviewed by Jacqueline Dalton, on the importance of creating a safe digital space that supports democracy.

Equal distribution of natural resources for peace

Oli Brown, Associate Fellow with Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs) and GCSP, specialist in peacebuilding, natural resources management and environmental politics, interviewed by Jacqueline Dalton, on the role of natural resources distribution and governance in conflicts

Preventing violence in urban spaces

Rachel Locke, Director of Impact:Peace at the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego, interviewed by Jacqueline Dalton, on urban violence, online spaces, and coronavirus.

Radio corner: Dany Diogo - Geneva Peace Week Lead

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Alexander Babutsidze - Etudiant à IHEID President, Peacebuilding Initiative

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Sabrina Mignone - Peace and Disarmament Programme Assistant, Quaker UN Office

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Alexandre Munafò - Head of Global Engagement, Geneva Call

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Hiba Qasas - Director, Principles for Peace Initiative

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Yves Daccord - Co-Chair, International Commission on Inclusive Peace

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Oli Brown - Senior Fellow, Chatham House and Geneva Centre for Security Policy

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Nathan Shea - Assistant Director, Conflict & Fragility Unit The Asia Foundation

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Sarra Messaoudi - Tunisian peacebuilding and NGOs practitioner

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Anina Uhlig - Programme Officer, West Africa/Conflict Sensitivity PeaceNexus Foundation

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Jolie-Ruth Morand - Principal Programme Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa DCAF

Une interview enregistrée en direct sur notre Radio Corner le jour de l'ouverture de la Geneva Peace Week 2022 à la Maison de la Paix à Genève.

Radio corner: Hannah Moosa - International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Margot Wallström - Chair, Expert Panel of Environment of Peace. Former Swedish Minister for Foreign Aff.

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Radio corner: Elsa Barron - Research Fellow, Center for Climate and Security

An interview recorded live at our Radio Corner on the Opening Day of Geneva Peace Week 2022 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Impact of Climate Change on Conflict Dynamics: A conversation with Juanita Vélez

How is climate change impacting conflict dynamics and recruitment to armed groups in Colombia? Juanita Vélez shares research and recommendations with Jackie Dalton of Fondation Hirondelle. Juanita is founder of the Colombian NGO, Conflict Responses.

Digital Spaces - Risks and Opportunities for Peace: A conversation with Anne-Marie Buzatu

How can digital spaces be used to contribute to a more peaceful world? Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of ICT4 Peace Foundation shares analysis and recommendations with Jackie Dalton of Fondation Hirondelle.

Adressing Violent Extremism in Digital Spaces: A conversation with H.E. Ahmed Al Qasimi

What are the trends regarding the spread of violent extremism in digital spaces and how can we address them? H.E. Ahmed Al Qasimi, Executive Director of Hedayah, the International Center of Excellence for Countering Extremism & Violent Extremism, shares his insights with Jackie Dalton of Fondation Hirondelle.

No peace without women: A conversation with Zin Mar Phyo

Zin Mar Phyo is a women's rights activist and a feminist journalist from Mon State, Myanmar, whose work focuses on gender justice and women in conflict areas. In this episode, Zin Mar discusses with Abiosseh Davis the urgency to ensure a meaningful participation of women in building peace and the main challenges to advancing gender equality and women's rights in conflict-affected settings.

The triple nexus in practice: A conversation with Marco Villela

How can we address immediate humanitarian crises in Central America while addressing their root causes simultaneously? Marco Villela of World Vision talks about his work in building peace in urban settings, under the lens of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. Marco is a Doctor specialising in Nutrition and is World Vision’s Director for Strategic Initiatives in Central America.

Youth at the center of transitional justice and peacebuilding: A conversation with Anjli Parrin

Abiosseh Davis, from Interpeace, interviews Anjli Parrin on the critical role young people play in societies emerging from conflict and the costs of keeping them excluded and marginalized from peace and transitional justice processes. Anjli is a Kenyan human rights lawyer, a youth advocate, and a visiting clinician at the University of Chicago Law School, where she directs the Global Human Rights Clinic.

The vital linkage between food and peace: A conversation with Paul Opio

Paul joined the Food and Agriculture Organization Uganda in 2007 as a livestock specialist for the Karamoja region where he designed and managed several emergency and rehabilitation projects. In this episode, Paul talks about the linkages between food (in)security and conflict, as well as how improving food and agricultural infrastructures can contribute to building peace.

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