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Outside the Box: Amplifying youth voices and views on YPS policy and practice

Assessing Youth Participation in Implementation of the YPS Agenda

This policy brief, drawing on available data and interviews with youth peacebuilders from six country cases, assesses youth participation in the relatively early national implementation phases of the Global YPS agenda. The brief addresses the role of young women and men in the design, implementation, and evaluation of national action plans and national YPS coalitions, and provides insight and analysis on participation, leadership, and ownership of young people in YPS implementation efforts. The brief notes that the efforts to include young people in the development of a YPS policy have not translated into meaningful and comprehensive youth involvement in the implementation of YPS policy at the national level and includes recommendations for correcting an imbalance which threatens to undermine the core objectives of the YPS agenda.

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Mridul Upadhyay
Mridul Upadhyay is a young peacebuilder from India who has been working in the field of youth peacebuilding through research, peace education, advocacy, activism, networking and capacity development of individuals, governments, youth-led organisations, religious leaders and UN agencies. He has developed YPSMonitor, co-founded Youth for Peace International and supports the United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY) as its Asia Coordinator. He has also been a founding member of youth advisory/leadership councils at the Search for Common Ground, KAICIID and the United States Institute of Peace.
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