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Outside the Box: Amplifying youth voices and views on YPS policy and practice

Beneath the Wakashio Oil Spill: Exploring the linkages between youth marginalization, environmental disaster, and resilience for peace in a small island state

This brief, by a young author from Mauritius, sheds light on the under-explored nexus of YPS, climate justice and social cohesion, speaking to the topic from the experience of a small island country, and applying the lens of resilience. Her paper draws attention to the need for inclusive governance and a political system that can meaningfully accommodate the concerns of young people when it comes to effects of climate crises. She demonstrates the links between environmental risk, and the weakening of social cohesion, trust in the state, and a weakened resilience to conflict when these youth concerns are not prioritized.

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Anupah Makoond
Anupah is a data and programme analyst at the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Until recently, she was a research manager for the Peace and Human Rights Data Programme at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) where she provided expertise in data collection and analysis to humanitarian agencies and peacekeeping operations across the world. Before specializing in data projects for the humanitarian and peacebuilding sectors, Anupah worked for Interpeace, where she supported dialogue processes in several conflict affected countries including Liberia, Guatemala, Timor-Leste and Burkina Faso. Prior to her work with peacebuilding organisations and humanitarian agencies, Anupah led advocacy efforts for non-profits working on social and health policies in her home country of Mauritius. She has worked most consistently on issues of harm reduction related to drug use and street children. Anupah studied International Relations at the London School of Economics and New York University and in 2020, completed a dual Masters in Business and in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation at the University of Oxford.
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