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Amre Moussa, ancien secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, rejoint Interpeace en tant que président du conseil d'administration

25 novembre, 2021
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

GENEVA, 25 NOVEMBER 2021 – Interpeace is pleased to announce the appointment of Amre Moussa as the incoming Chair of its Governing Board. The eminent statesman will succeed Monica McWilliams, who concluded her second four-year term with the Board in mid-2021. 

“Amre Moussa’s regional experience, deep wisdom, and inspiring vision will elevate Interpeace’s impact during a period of growth for the organization. His leadership will be critical to our ability to build peace and strengthen resilience in an increasingly polarised world,” said Interpeace President Scott Weber.   

“Rethinking how peace is built and sustained demands the kind of principled pragmatism that Amre Moussa has demonstrated over the course of his accomplished career. I am excited to welcome Amre to Interpeace as we harness the resilience of communities from Rwanda to Ukraine to Mali for enhanced peace and development.” 

Amre Moussa served as Secretary-General of the League of Arab States for a decade. It is in this capacity that he led efforts to build regional cohesion, resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, and lift the siege of Gaza. Amre Moussa worked to strengthen dialogue and peace efforts on a cultural and political level with the Holy See, affecting communities in Iraq, Lebanon, and elsewhere in the Arab world. 

He is currently a member of the African Union (AU) Panel of the Wise, advising on issues of conflict prevention and resolution for the AU’s Peace and Security Council. 

 “Through my interactions with civil society and governments, I have seen how peace can transform societies. In many contexts, trust in institutions and the social contract has eroded, giving rise to new conflicts and preventing the resolution of longstanding ones,” said Amre Moussa.  

“Interpeace is doing important work to help communities resolve today’s complex and multidimensional conflicts themselves. I look forward to joining the organization in its mission to strengthen the international system’s contributions to peace.” 

Amre Moussa is a former member of the United Nation's High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change for international peace and security, established by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. 

He held leading positions in the Foreign Ministry of his country between 1958 and 1972 including in Egypt’s Embassy in Switzerland and its Mission to the United Nations. He then served as Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador to India, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and, later, Foreign Minister from 1991 to 2001.  

Having pursued peace at the highest levels of decision making and in some of the most contested contexts, Mr. Moussa’s arrival is expected to advance Interpeace’s mission worldwide significantly. 

Pour plus d'informations :  

Luvini Ranasinghe 

Responsable des Communications Mondiales 

T +41 22 404 59 22 

M +41 79 475 64 95 
