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Celebrating UN70

5 novembre, 2015
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: Francois Wavre/ Lundi13 for Interpeace

On Saturday 24 October, Interpeace was proud to take part in the United Nations 70th Anniversary celebrations in Geneva. The event marks a significant milestone in the history of the UN and honors the organization’s work on development, security and human rights.

Interpeace began life as a UN project in 1994, and after becoming an independent organization in 2000, we continue to work closely with the UN as a strategic partner.

Alongside the other events of the day Interpeace gave visitors the opportunity to show their support for peace by having their photos taken at a “peacebooth”. Visitors, including Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, posed holding signs with such slogans as “Everyone has a role to play in peace”, “Peace is possible” and “I’m for Peace”.

The peacebooth was a great success, drawing crowds throughout the day. Pictures from the day are available ici