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Somalia: Historical development in Somali governance

30 novembre, 2011
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: CRD

The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of the Republic of Somalia that has been in place since 2004 reached a milestone last Sunday. For the first time in contemporary Somali history, the President of Somalia participated in a live public TV ‘Question and Answer’ session.

President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed gave the people of Somalia an opportunity to address their concerns directly. Over 1,500 people were able to submit their questions via email, Facebook and phone.

Questions covered the subjects of security, the socioeconomic crisis, ending the transition period and foreign troops incursions of Somalia. Many of the questions concerned the deployment of foreign troops to Somalia and Al-Shabab.

The debate was lively and followed by over 1 million Somalis around the world as it was transmitted by Doodwadaag programme at Universal TV and six radio stations including Shabelle radio, radio Mogadishu, Kulmiye radio, Bar Kulan radio and Risaala radio.

Interpeace partner, the Center for Research and Dialogue (CRD) was among the facilitators of this historical development. Jabril Ibrahim Abdulle, Executive Chairman of CRD stated:

“There is much to be done but we welcome this promising development. This is a step in the right direction for governmental transparency and for the democratic development beyond symbolic voting.”

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