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White for peace in Puntland

28 septembre, 2011
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: PDRC

For the women of Puntland, wearing white symbolizes peace. On 21 September 2011, 50 women took to the streets to raise awareness of the need to further embed peace in the region. Walking through the streets of Garowe, the main town, they attracted attention from passers by. Not wanting their efforts to go unnoticed, they entertained the crowds by chanting traditional peace songs as they marched through the city centre.

Organized by Interpeace local partner in Puntland, the Puntland Development Research Center (PDRC),  the peace march was one of the most visible elements of the peace day celebrations in the city.

After the walk, there was a public meeting held at the PDRC conference hall. Representatives of women and youth, emphasized the importance of peace and highlighted the crucial role that women and youth play in any peace process.

Local politicians, members of civil society and internally displaced people (IDPs) actively participated in the discussions.

The celebrations culminated in a football game between two local teams. Slogans that called for peace in the region were branded across their strips.