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Interpeace Timor-Leste programme highlighted by former US president Bill Clinton

25 septembre, 2007
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Crédit photo : Interpeace

President Clinton welcomed the President of Timor-Leste, Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta, and Interpeace Director-General, Scott M. Weber, on stage at the opening session of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York to highlight the commitment of Interpeace and its Timorese partner, the Peace and Democracy Foundation, to help build lasting peace in this country.

"Timor-Leste was the first new nation of the 21st century. Its leaders worked heroically for years for justice and humane treatment for their people, they are trying now to work in cooperation with their neighbors, including Indonesia. But violence, political violence, has risen there since the 2007 Presidential election. Interpeace has committed to work with President Ramos-Horta, to facilitate conversations around the country, to alleviate violence and unrest, to create three zones of peace, where reconciliation and economic development will combine to create sustainable peace. As the 2008 program grows, 20 or more community meeting centers will be built in 13 districts throughout the country, with initial consultations involving more than 3,000 people. This programme is designed to enable the Timor-Leste to become the architects of their own future, empowering them by identifying their concerns and allowing them to find ways to address them in a non-violent and sustainable manner (…) . This little country has enormous potential,”  President Clinton told the audience which included 52 current and former heads of state and 1,000 CEOs.

"This program is designed to enable the Timor-Leste to become the architects of their own future..."

Clinton thanked the governments of Norway, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, and Denmark which have all been instrumental in Interpeace’s efforts through their financial contributions to the organization.

To learn more about the Clinton Global Initiative click here.