Ivory Coast

Programme vision

To contribute to restoring trust in governance mechanisms and people’s resilience for a renewed social contract.


The political context in Ivory Coast is marked by a resurgence of violence during electoral periods. In addition, increasing attacks along the Burkina Faso–Ivory Coast border have led to the arrival of tens of thousands of refugees and the intensified deployment of security and defence forces. These security challenges and the humanitarian situation are aggravating tensions, particularly around natural resources. Challenges to the efficiency and accountability of the formal justice system are leading to a loss of public trust in it. Traditional authorities are often perceived as more legitimate and accessible.

Since 2012, Interpeace has been collaborating with its local partner, Indigo Côte d'Ivoire, to enhance social cohesion and promote development by establishing informed and inclusive change-oriented dialogue. Together with Indigo Côte d'Ivoire, Interpeace aims to consolidate social cohesion, with a strong emphasis on conflict prevention and management, as well as youth resilience to violence, by engaging local actors, citizens and local authorities alike, towards the participatory analysis and the strengthening of local responses to local challenges to peace.

Interpeace and the Government of Ivory Coast to strengthen collaboration through new partnership agreement

Over the last few decades, Ivory Coast has been marked by significant socio-political challenges and regular cycles of violence that have profoundly affected the lives of Ivorians, the way they live together, and social cohesion. This state of conflict further destabilises the already fragile social fabric and endangers the government’s achievements in security and economic development.

Threats linked to armed groups at the country’s doorstep call for the strengthening of the internal social fabric to prevent any risk of tipping over. It is usual for these groups to exploit the cracks and fissures caused by various factors to act.

To contribute to the efforts of Ivorian society, Interpeace signed a partnership agreement with the Minister of Reconciliation and Social Cohesion in October 2023, to work to strengthen peace, reconciliation and national cohesion in the coastal country. Both partners commit to working together in seeking and funding responsible and beneficial collaboration opportunities to achieve these objectives. Committed to close co-operation, the ministry will provide political leadership, guidance and co-ordination. For its part, Interpeace will provide technical and methodological support to inclusive dialogue in all regions of the country, capitalising on lessons learned from conflict prevention mechanisms set up in co-operation with its local partner, Indigo Côte d'Ivoire, and targeting women and youth in particular. The organisation will also support local prevention and reconciliation committees and actively participate in elaborating strategies at the technical and political level adapted to Ivorian peacebuilding priorities, with a view to building sustainable peace and strengthening social cohesion.