Joint civil society submission to consultation on shared indicators

January 16, 2013

This submission was compiled by the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. This is a platform for civil society organizations that are committed to engaging with the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations from civil society, based on the experience of the platform member organizations, on how to maximize peacebuilding and statebuilding results in the collaborative efforts to follow up on the commitments made in the New Deal, the Monrovia Roadmap and the Dili Declaration.

Consultation participants: Alliance for Peacebuilding, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, Conciliation Resources, CRJ 1325, Interpeace, National NGO Forum (South Sudan) and wider South Sudan civil society, NPSG Nigeria, Saferworld, South Sudan, TIRI, World Vision, DRC civil society.