Our Partners

Strategic partners

Interpeace is particularly grateful to the governments which are its Strategic Partners —the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland — for their continued political and financial support. Their commitment remains critical in achieving our results by supporting Interpeace’s overall institutional strengthening and contributions to peacebuilding at the international level as well as specific work on peacebuilding policy, programming, and innovation.

Global partners

Interpeace is delighted to have longstanding partnerships with the following governments which generously provide targeted financial support allowing the organisation to pursue sustainable peace practically at the in-country level and to advance innovative policy influence for more effective peacebuilding strategies.

Institutional partners

In light of its mandate to assist the international community – especially the United Nations – to be more effective in its peacebuilding, Interpeace is honoured to have a special, constitutional relationship with the UN Secretary-General and also to be a partner with a growing number of humanitarian, development and technical organisations. Interpeace has also built longstanding institutional partnerships with other global peacebuilding organisations to create synergies and to maximise impact at the field level.

National, Regional & Local partners

Peace cannot be imported from the outside. It is therefore critical that all in-country peace processes continue to be designed, owned and led locally. Interpeace contributes to long term, embedded national and local leadership through crucial and long-term relationships with regional, national and community-level partners.

Global Policy partners

In line with its Strategy 2021-2025, Interpeace has an ambitious policy agenda including supporting an independent global initiative to create principles for peace and systemic improvement to the way peace processes are framed, designed and financed. The following partners are contributing to this shared endeavour and goal.

Other donors & partners

Interpeace remains grateful to all other partners who have provided significant and generous contributions to our activities worldwide.