
Programme vision

To contribute to the reappropriation of a more inclusive and trusted social contract for a more peaceful society.


Guinea-Bissau is experiencing deep political contestation, characterised by rivalries and tensions among leading political figures, which runs the risk of paralysing the functioning of the state. This political instability has had reverberating effects on society, including degraded infrastructure. Solidarity dynamics within families and communities are well developed. This richness contributes to making the social tissue particularly vibrant and pro-active when identifying problems and solutions.

Interpeace’s work in Guinea-Bissau focuses on helping to shape national policies and agendas to respond to the population’s needs through participatory, inclusive and peace-responsive processes. In addition, Interpeace has been contributing to fostering a culture of dialogue, improving conflict management capacities, and fostering co-operative state–society relations to that end. This is achieved by strengthening the conflict mediation capacities of community mediators and traditional leaders, but also local administrators, government representatives, policy makers, leaders, young people and women.

Addressing land-related conflicts in Guinea-Bissau: strengthening Sector Land Commissions for effective resolution

Land-related conflicts in Guinea-Bissau are rising in both number and violence across the country. The weakness of institutions hampers the proper resolution of these issues, leaving such conflicts in the hands of communities. The Sector Land Commissions are meant to manage land-related conflicts, but these structures have never been operational. Doing so at the local level is essential for mitigating land-related conflicts. Therefore, in 2023, Interpeace and its local partner organisation, Voz di Paz, provided technical and financial support to the Sector Land Commissions to enhance their effectiveness.

Between January and July 2023, members of the Sector Land Commissions involved in Interpeace’s Peaceful and Inclusive Land Management project took a different approach to addressing land-related conflicts. Instead of imposing solutions, they convened and mediated discussions, and adopted a dialogue approach, recognising the importance of involving all parties and listening to communities.