Peace Responsiveness

Programmatic Level

Peace responsiveness aims for all actors who operate in conflict affected or fragile settings to contribute to more peaceful and resilient societies. It therefore seeks to enhance the ability of these actors to be conflict-sensitive and to deliberately contribute to peace through their technical programming. All this in a way that enhances collective impact, that supports inclusive, gender-responsive and locally-led change and that strengthens societal resilience to conflict and violence.

Peace responsive programming can achieve greater impact in two interrelated dimensions: it can lead to increased contributions to peace as well as to increased effectiveness of technical programming.


Interpeace strengthens the peace responsiveness of the programmes of our partners, and engages in joint programming with development, humanitarian and stabilisation actors at country-level.

Our approach

Strengthen the evidence base on how and to what extent peace responsive programming within the humanitarian, development and stabilisation fields can make contributions to peace
Support the integration of conflict sensitivity and peace responsiveness methods into existing programmatic systems and processes
Strengthen the capacity of our partners to initiate, design, and implement peace responsive programmes
Co-design programmes for joint implementation between Interpeace and humanitarian, development and stabilisation actors