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A morning coffee with President Kufuor

December 4, 2009
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: Steve Simon/Panos for Interpeace

Interpeace spoke with President John A. Kufuor over a coffee on the morning of his first Interpeace Governing Council Meeting. He talked us through why he was delighted to be taking over from former President of Finland and 2008 Nobel Peace Laureate, Martti Ahtisaari as Chairman of the Interpeace Governing Council.

"When I finished my role in active politics I wanted to use my retirement to make the world a better place. For the world to improve we clearly need peace." President John Kufuor went on to say:  "I was impressed when President Martti Ahtisaari approached me as he has had such an important political career and his work in the area of peace has been very impressive. President Ahtisaari briefed me on the work of Interpeace and I immediately decided I wanted to support the work of the organization and its noble mission."

Because of his previous experience as former President of Ghana and former Chair of the African Union he has had direct experience helping countries trying to resolve and emerge from conflict.

Kufuor went on to add: "For developing countries to achieve their full potential peace must prevail. Without robust peace and an embedded culture of resolving differences in non-violent ways violent conflict can rapidly re-emerge and any gains are quickly lost."

The official hand over ceremony will be taking place tonight in Switzerland when Martti Ahtisaari formerly becomes Chairman Emeritus and Special Advisor and John Kufuor becomes Chairman.